At Sian Esther, we love creating calming rituals and pottering a little longer in our PJs but we also believe in doing business well and looking after our planet for future generations. We are not perfect but we are taking simple steps to do things better.
All of our latest Winter collection has been made in Portugal by a team of mainly women, who we have built a strong relationship with over the last couple of years. We have slowly moved our supply chain from India to Portugal to make visiting the team much easier and reducing our carbon footprint.
We have a vertically integrated supply chain which means the cotton is spun, dyed, woven and then made up into pyjama garments in one location. The team uphold to the highest standard of working ethics.
By 2025, the team in Portugal are aiming to produce 60% of the energy they use.
We transport our products from Portugal by road rather than air freighting.
Our accessory lines which complement the main range are made in the UK with off cuts of our fabric being made into cushions by a team of Woman in London who would otherwise find it difficult to get into work. The Alpaca socks are made in Leicester.
The cotton used in our Winter collection is BCI cotton (Better Cotton Initiative Cotton) which is the World's leading Sustainability Initiative for Cotton, looking after cotton farming communities as well as protecting the environment. It also passes the Oeko-Tex Standard 100, which is the safety test testing for harmful substances. The Portuguese factory buy their cotton Worldwide and only from credited areas.
At the heart of what we do is our mission to help disadvantaged women. Our main partner is The Luminary Bakery who train women of disadvantage to bake but also teach them life skills with the aim of financial independence. We have donated pyjamas and aprons at Christmas and give back to them through our profits.
We have also given to The Marylebone Trust - the biggest homeless shelter for Women in London and Mercy UK - helping women with different mental challenges.
A key part of our Sales are taken from Charity Fairs, where we also give 10% of our sales on those days to particular charities.